Monday, July 8, 2013



”Shaky-Witchy” Witch symbolizes the relationship between sport and "magic".
Besides fiercely, she has dynamism, ambition, intelligence and perseverance. If she propose something not leave until she reach the goal.
Any of us can become magical if we love sports and if we really want to go for personal records and with our friend s help, the witch, even world and Olympic records.
To protect the environment, we have chosen to made it ​​from recyclable materials. The dress and her head we have created from a piece of drapery, the eyes from buttons, a batik cape that  no longer wear my grandmother and we made ​​a magic broom of a tail brush, which we have attached a few strings and a ball, to the end.
You may wonder, why we chose this name? - As the title of our project is ”Wake up - Shake up” and witch meaning in English, witch ...........
Shaky - Witchy is one of the mascots that urges us to practice more sports.

Mascota shaky-witchy

Vrăjitoarea Shaky-Witchy simbolizează relația dintre sport și „magie”
Pe lângă înverșunare, ea mai are dinamism, ambiție, inteligență și multă perseverență. Dacă își propune ceva nu se lasă până nu-și atinge țelul.
Oricare dintre noi putem deveni magici dacă iubim sportul și dacă ne dorim cu adevărat să doborâm recorduri personale, iar cu ajutorul prietenei noastre, vrăjitoarea, chiar și recorduri mondiale sau olimpice.
Pentru a proteja mediul înconjurător, am ales să o confecționăm din materiale reciclabile. Astfel, capul și rochia le-am creat dintr-o bucată de draperie, ochii din nasturi, pelerina dintr-un batic pe care nu îl mai purta bunica mea, iar mătura fermecată am confecționat-o dintr-o coadă de pensulă, căreia i-am atașat la capăt câteva fire de sfoară și o minge.
Vă întrebați probabil, de ce am ales acest nume? 
Deoarece titlul proiectului nostru este Wake up-Shake up iar witch înseamnă în engleză, vrăjitoare.
Shaky – Witchy este una dintre mascote care ne îndeamnă să practicăm mai mult sport.


This mascot is a jack-Ball.
The desire to protect nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, so we chose to fabricate a balloon that we glued white paper, we put a blue hat witch it left my brother's small, we cut the little hands from a red sponge, the feet we made ​​from tea boxes that we glued red glazed paper and the little eyes and her gash are realized from wreckage.
Because mascots will compete, perhaps with other countries, we caught booties lace yarn in Romanian flag colors: red, yellow and blue.
If you're wondering why the name PHAFAI, the answer is simple: it is the initials of words Promoting Health And Fitness and Intelligence, words that refer to the title of the Comenius project "Wake Up, Shake Up: Promoting Health and Fitness".
Their meaning is the idea that practicing more sport we can develop ourselves harmoniously, we will be  healthy, happy and will prove ourselves that we are intelligent, too.
This little man, who although is not a champion ball sports, can be for anyone a good example in practicing these sports and sports, generally speaking.

Pupils: Frătean Denisa, Anca Popa (7th grade), Ioana Popa and Tascu Nora (3th grade).

Coordinator teacher: Malvina Cupcea 

Mingiuța phafai

Această mascotă reprezintă un Omuleț-Minge
Din dorința de a proteja natura care este o sursă inepuizabilă de inspirație, am ales să-l confecționăm dintr-un balon pe care am lipit hârtie albă, i-am pus o pălăriuță albastră care i-a rămas mică frățiorului meu, mânuțele le-am decupat dintr-un burete roșu, picioarele le-am confecționat din cutii de ceai pe care am lipit hârtie glasată roșie, iar ochișorii și gurița le-am realizat din resturile acesteia.
Pentru că va intra în competiție cu mascotele celorlalte țări, pe papucei i-am prins șireturi din fire textile în culorile drapelului românesc: roșu, galben și albastru.
Dacă vă întrebați de ce numele de PHAFAI, răspunsul este simplu: reprezintă inițialele cuvintelor Promoting Health And Fitness And Inteligence, cuvinte care fac referire la titlul proiectului ”Wake up, Shake up: Promoting Health And Fitness”.
Semnificația lor este ideea că practicând mai mult sport ne dezvoltăm armonios, suntem sănătoși, fericiți și dovedim că suntem și inteligenți.
Acest omuleț, care deși nu este un campion la sporturile cu mingea, ne poate da oricui un bun exemplu în practicarea acestor sporturi și a sportului în general

Realizatori: Frătean Denisa, Popa Anca (cls. a VII-a), Popa Ioana, Tașcu Nora (cls. a III-a A)

Îndrumător, înv. Cupcea Malvina

Competition - Mascots for sports teams

Mascots have been made ​​by students of class III-A under the guidance of teacher Mrs. Malvina Cupcea.

Thank you all.
Great job!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Figures from the world of sport

            Gabriela Szabó was born on November 14, 1975 in Bistrița, Romania. She is an athlete from Romania and scholar, now retired from the sport. It was designated in 1999, the best athlete in the world and the best sports to Europe. He set the world record in the 2,000 m in 1998, and the 5,000 m in 1999, at Dortmund. It was discovered by chance in 12 years at a school cross. Only in 1994 came in senior competitions after the remarkable junior results. Gabriela was the gold medalist at the summer Olympics in 2000, in the 5,000 m and the bronze and silver in the 1,500 m at the Olympic Games in 1996 and 2000. He was also four times world champion in seniors and a junior. Is Olympic Vice-Champion in Atlanta, at 10,000 feet. She had a single coach, Zsolt Gyöngyössy, whom she married. In May 2005, G. Szabó, announced his retirement from professional sports.

Gabriela Szabó
Olympic medals
Athletics, feminine
1.500 meters
5.000 meters
1.500 meters
World Championship
Lisbon 1994
junior, 3.000 meters
Durham 1995
cross, equip
Athena 1997
5.000 meters
Seville 1999
5.000 meters
Edmonton 2001
1.500 meters
World Championship
Barcelona 1995
3.000 meters
Paris – Bercy 1997
3.000 meters
Maebashi 1999
3.000 meters
Maebashi 1999
1.500 meters
European Championship
Budapest 1998
5.000 meters
European Championship
Gent 2000
3.000 meters

1991 - European champion – juniors, Salonika;
1992 – 2 place at 3000m, World – juniors, Seul;
1993 - European champion – juniors, San-Sebastian;
1994    - 3 place at 3.000 m, European championship at Helsinki;
        - 3 place at 3.000 m
        - 1place at 3.000 m, World Championship – juniors, Lisbon;
1995 – World champion at 3.000 m, Barcelona;
      - 3 place with her equip, World championship, Durham;
1996 – 2 place at 1.500 m, JO Atlanta;
      - 3 place with her equip, World championship , Cape town;
1997 - World champion at 5.000 m, Athena;
      -  World champion at 3.000 m, Paris;
1998 – European champion at 3.000 m, Valencia;
      - 2 place at 5.000 m , European championship, Budapest;
      - 1 place at 3.000 m
      - World record at 2.000 m, 5:30.26;
1999 - European champion at 3.000 m, Gent;
      - World champion at 5.000 m, Seville;
      - World champion at 1.500 m, Maebashi;
      - World champion at 3.000 m, Maebashi;
-    World record at 5.000 m, 14:47.35;
-    The winner of a Golden League;
2000    - Olympics champion at 5.000 m, JO Sydney;
        - 3 place at 1.500 m, JO de Sydney;
2001 – World champion at 1.500 m, Edmonton;
        - World record, at 3.000 m, 8:32.88;
2002 – 2 place at 1.500 m, European championship at Munich;
        - 2 place at 3.000 m
        - European record at 3.000 m, 8:21.45;
1999 - “The best sportswoman in Europe”, named by UEPS
1999 - “The sportswoman of the year in the world” named by APSM and “The athlete of the year” named by IAAF;
1997 - “The sportswoman of the year” named by MTS and APS;

Student - Borteș Cătălin, 3 grade
Teacher - Cupcea Malvina

Sibiu - Romania

Nadia Comăneci 

Born November 12, 1961 is a Romanian gymnast, winner of three Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the first female gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event. She also won two gold medals at the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. She is one of the best-known gymnasts in the world. In 2000 Comăneci was named as one of the athletes of the century by the Laureus World Sports Academy.

Walk to School Week

Playing partners” games

”The spirit of fair-play” - Essay contest

In any kind of competition there is a better team, a winning one. Therefore, in the spirit of fairplay, when we play, you don't have to cheat, to be violent, but to follow the rules. If we lose or we win, we must praise and respect the winner, for the effort of our opponents. To recognize merit in match play. There is no need to get upset. If the opponent wishes to congratulate us for the game, you need to give your hand to him, thank him for the gesture did not go along with it and ignore it, just for the fact that he won, and we lost.
Thus, fairplay plays an important role in learning and practicing every sport, reflecting the education received in the so-called "seven years from home" of any player.

Cârdei Gabriel,  3th grade - pupil

Cupcea Malvina - teacher