Wednesday, July 3, 2013

”The spirit of fair-play” - Essay contest

In any kind of competition there is a better team, a winning one. Therefore, in the spirit of fairplay, when we play, you don't have to cheat, to be violent, but to follow the rules. If we lose or we win, we must praise and respect the winner, for the effort of our opponents. To recognize merit in match play. There is no need to get upset. If the opponent wishes to congratulate us for the game, you need to give your hand to him, thank him for the gesture did not go along with it and ignore it, just for the fact that he won, and we lost.
Thus, fairplay plays an important role in learning and practicing every sport, reflecting the education received in the so-called "seven years from home" of any player.

Cârdei Gabriel,  3th grade - pupil

Cupcea Malvina - teacher

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